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Ryan Buley If you ever found yourself in support of any kind of war, stop and consider Sun Tzu’s wisdom from The Art Of War – "All war is based on deception.” about an hour ago · Unlike · You and 17 others like this. Michael Tatum stn tzu and machevellis book are 2 books i always read but machevelli has his version of the art of war also so there are 2 art of war books one by sun tzu and one by machiavelli about an hour ago · Like Genise Rivera Good word 59 minutes ago · Like Odumody Nnamdi Lionel War is politics with bloodshed according to Mao Tse Sung. Behind every war there are lot of intrigues that go along with it....... 52 minutes ago · Like Derek Schneck Civil war FTW 38 minutes ago · Like Renaissance Rose yes i am in support of a war....the war between good and evil. soldiers of God vs. the fallen angels that ride with satan. 32 minutes ag